Parks Anonymous

In collaboration with Merinda Davies 

Unceded Kombumerri Country 2024 – 2026

Parks Anonymous is a collaboration between Laurie Oxenford and Merinda Davies emerging from ongoing conversations and research crossovers concerning urban ecologies, public space, more-than-human species relationality, and community participation. Together they're speculating on future public “interstructures” to support human and more-than-human needs in public park spaces.

“Interstructure” replaces infrastructure as reciprocal structures, systems, services and facilities designed to support living beings (human and more-than-human), communities and ecologies.

"Interstructures" are not optimised for economic advantage, instead they prioritise planetary survival and a shift toward everyday, relational ways of being.

During Stage One of their project from June – November 2024, Merinda and Laurie will collaborate with all beings inhabiting three public parks intersecting residential, urban and natural ecologies to provoke new conversations and interactions that encourage citizens to see from future human and more-than-human perspectives.

This project is supported by the City of Gold Coast Regional Arts Development Fund. The Regional Arts Development Fund is a partnership between the Queensland Government and the City of Gold Coast Council to support local arts and culture in regional Queensland.